
I found these little treat containers at Target to put them in.
I also need to give credit to my mother-in-law for this great recipe - she's the best!
A place to document my cross stitch projects. No one ever shows the back of their work, they only show the front - I'll show both. You won't hear much about my family or personal stuff in my life. This is about cross stitching and every once in awhile, some other craft project I happen to do.
I found these little treat containers at Target to put them in.
I also need to give credit to my mother-in-law for this great recipe - she's the best!
A pile of snow...men!
3 inch hoops, 18 ct. Christmas Red aida cloth, DMC white thread
Design from Made in France, cross stitch and embroidery in red, white and blue
The biscornu, pin keep and scissor fob were all made by her. Her stitching is really good! She sent me three patterns I have been wanting, and also sent the scissors (can you have too many pairs of pretty scissors??), needles and floss. She went way beyond my expectations and I can't thank her enough for her generosity.
A quick note to Edgar for being the host of this exchange. He keeps us all on track and is also able to turn out the most amazing cross stitch I've ever seen. I think he's robo-stitcher! In the time I complete one piece, he's done ten! He's now showing off by framing his own work! He's very inspiring and I always look forward to reading his daily posts.
Watercolor paper, using a wash of colors for the background
Orange DMC floss used on heart
Design from Donna Kooler's 555 Cross Stitch Sampler Motifs
22 count hardanger, 5 inch hoop
By the way, is it just me, or are metallics really hard to work with?!
Maybe Amy will have a better picture. The frame is a dark green and I used a piece of 28ct linen that was pale pink with the recommended Crescent Colors floss.