There is also a flickr group that almost all the participants have uploaded photos to. Check it out - it's a great source of inspiration.
A place to document my cross stitch projects. No one ever shows the back of their work, they only show the front - I'll show both. You won't hear much about my family or personal stuff in my life. This is about cross stitching and every once in awhile, some other craft project I happen to do.
There is also a flickr group set up to view everyone's ornaments. Check it out!
I ran out of ribbon, so I need to buy more and finish the bow on the tree in front.
(FYI, the picture hanging on the wall is a watercolor of the church we were married in. It was done by my MIL.)
The umbrella trees at night. I have used battery-operated LED lights. It looks a bit pink in the picture because the threads that hold the umbrella together are all red. A very fortunate accident.