Wednesday, March 18, 2009

SBBC Gift - Received

I just heard from my SBBC partner, Amy, that she just received her birthday package. I'm so pleased that she likes everything I sent. Unfortunately, I only have a picture of the main gift, Cherry Hill. I forgot to take pictures of all the other goodies I included. Happy Birthday, Amy! I hope you have a great day tomorrow.

Maybe Amy will have a better picture. The frame is a dark green and I used a piece of 28ct linen that was pale pink with the recommended Crescent Colors floss.


Jennifer@woodleycottage said...

What a great gift. I'm jealous!! Hey, my birthday is in June!!
te he hee, snicker, snicker,

heidistitches said...

Oh, I've already been thinking about your "Let's Play" gift!

Natalija said...

Thank you for the wonderful comment you left on my blog. And I love the present you did. Have a nice day :)

Emily said...

That's a great present. Very pretty!